Sunday, October 30, 2011

Food Obsession for the week

I'm going low carb. I know low carb has its pluses and minuses (losing mad weight vs. gaining mad weight as soon as you look at a french fry) but I have 7 months to get the best body I can imagine and I want a little kick start. I know doing low carb for 7 months seems insane and who knows if I'll be able to stick to it for that long but I figured I might as well start early so that even if i fall short, I have plenty of time to make up for it (Note: I am eating fruit it's not COMPLETELY low carb, no bread, pasta, rice, etc. tho).

One of the things about low carb diets is that it can get boring really quickly so I've constantly been on the prowl for yummy renditions of meat and veggie dishes. Thank God for Chrissy Teigen because I found one I love that is super easy. She has a
recipe for Korean BBQ ribs (or as she calls them "beef curtains") that is SUPER EASY and super yummy. I made them for the first time last week, fell in love, and made them again tonight. Here is the recipe:

Korean BBQ Ribs aka Beef Curtains Swag

We have a grill but I never use it and I dont have a griddle so I seared the ribs then broiled them for a couple minutes. I also added chili paste and a squirt of fresh lime juice.

Hope you enjoy.



  1. ahh i also do low carb and eat korean bbq 2x/week. love it!!!

  2. That looks good! I'll have to try that one.

    I did Atkins years ago and loved Linda's site: I still make some of her recipes because they are just good. There are also some good ones on I use her slow cooker chicken recipe all the time.

    Glad to hear the half is still on! I was browsing a marathon calendar and it had that particular race crossed out. I thought it was the whole thing.
