Yea, I said it.
I tweet about my workouts a lot (I'm sure a lot of people think it's extremely obnoxious and have me on mute but it helps me stay accountable) and a lot of people ask me advice on how to start running. So I think this is something we should talk about and anyone who starts running should know.
I used to have really pretty feet but as I sit here writing this, my sh-t is all messed up. I've lost two toenails since I started running last December and am getting ready to lose a 3rd. The first one was a small toenail and I lost it shortly after my first half marathon. That wasn't a huge deal because although it was kind of gross, the toe nail grew in as the old one was falling off. (gross? get over it). Now the second toenail I lost was a far bigger ordeal. I'm steal dealing with it. My second half marathon in Chicago was a hot, painful mess. A few miles into the race my big toe started hurting a lot and this continued after the race was done. I got a pedicure immediately after the race but little did I know that would be the last time I'd see my full big toe nail.
Let me tell you, toe nails take way longer to grow back than one would think.
I lost my big toenail (Rest in Peace) in early March. It's October now.

Sorry. I had a moment.
**pours another vodka and crystal light**
(eh, 200 calories?)
I know my feet look horrible and I need a pedicure and you can still get a pedicure when you're toenails are falling off and maybe that's when you should be SURE to get a pedicure....but I'm being transparent so be appreciative.
You see that other toe that looks black? Next to the premie toe that's slowly growing into the toe God promised it could be? That's the 3rd victim. He'll be gone soon too.
So now, that I've laid that all out and you guys are either completely grossed out or extremely sympathetic for the life my fiance lives, let's talk about why this happens:
- Famed runner Jeff Galloway says getting a black toenail means you've moved your training to a higher level(that reminds me of the time I was getting a pedicure and the guy next to me saw my premie, little "toe" that could and asked if I was a runner. I sipped my mimosa, looked at his sparkly nail polish and smiled, "yes")
- Black toe nails result from pressure. Sustained pressure, step after step, produces friction between the toe nail and the tissue around it. When the tissue gets damaged, fluid accumulates. (I've come to know this fluid personally. Gross? Get over it, b.)
- When the pressure gets too great, the toenail will separate.
- You're more likely to get a black toenail in hot weather because your feet swells.
- You can best avoid black toenails by making sure your sure has enough space in the front - at least half an inch when you're standing.
- Best way to deal with black toe nails? Let them run their course.
I'm not a doctor or a running expert and I am not giving an expert opinion, just some friendly advice from a girl who hopes to one day wear sandals without shame.
- Nash
Never had a black toenail and hope to never have one. My toes are calloused though and I blame running for that!
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, your nail injury is likely to be noticeable until the damaged nail grows out. For toenails, this can take about four months; fingernails usually regrow completely in about two months. If you’ve injured the base of your nail, some cosmetic changes may be permanent. But the pain will be gone, as the result of a “barbaric” but effective treatment.Herbs of Kedem Sephorris
DeleteI know my feet look horrible and I need a pedicure and you can still get a pedicure when you're toenails are falling off and maybe that's when you should be SURE to get a pedicure.KeriDerm Rx Toenail Fungus Cream Review