Since I've started this blog, I haven't really lost any weight. The very first week I dropped a 1 lb. but since then my weight has stayed the same + 1-2lbs on any given day. This is pretty disappointing for me but I also know (or think I know) why this is the case. I have been doing a great job of working out consistently and am hoping to get to the place where it's a habit (I've heard it takes 21 days to build a habit? Not sure if this is just an urban legend though), but the one thing I have NOT been doing a good job with is my eating. And by not doing a good job, I mean I've been eating WHATEVER I want. To be honest, I'm sitting in Barnes and Nobles right now sipping on a lovely caramel frappucino (LIGHT). Although I can see small changes in my body over the last few weeks, I know that I should be doing a lot better and my eating (and drinking habits) are to blame.
I've decided to spend some time really learning about nutrition and proper eating habits. I'm hoping it will help me approach meals and eating with more purpose and really understand the significance of what I'm eating, what I should be eating and how it will all impact my body. I've heard lots of skinny people talk about "eating clean" for a while now so my starting point is to find out what that really means. I picked up this book by Tosca Reno today and plan on reading it over the next week:

If anyone has any suggestions on other books related to nutrition and healthy eating, I'd love to know them.
In the mean time, my trip to Puerto Rico is looming in the distance. With two weeks left, I'm still hoping to drop a couple of lbs. To get the most immediate results, I'm going to cut back on my carb and alcohol intake and continue working out. My workouts this week have been as follows:
- Monday -- Rest day. It felt weird not working out but was much needed after working out 6 days last week.
- Tuesday -- Ran 3 miles at 9:30 pace + Cross fit workout. In Crossfit, we learned a new weightlifting move, Snatches, which is definitely going to take some getting used to. Then we did sets of back squats, overhead presses and pull ups. I increased my weight for back squats by 15 lbs, from 55lbs to 70 lbs and increased my overhead press weight by 10 lbs, from 30lbs to 40lbs. For pull ups, I did one set of 9, one set of 7 and one set of 5. I couldn't really compare accurately with this exercise however because I used two bands (green+red) for all three sets when during my first time I used a green band for two sets, and a green and red for my last set. Either way my numbers increased so I still think its an improvement.
- Wednesday -- 2 miles at 9:01 pace + 33 minutes on the elliptical (interval training with resistance of 3 and 7)
- Thursday -- I was supposed to run 3 miles but wasn't able to get it in. I did make it to cross fit for a good workout even though I was feeling sluggish (def wasn't my best CF performance). Warm-up: Run 1 lap, 15 squats, 10 T-Pushups, 10 JPUs, samson stretchThen we learned the technique/form for clean and jerks, which is a staple of olympic weightlifting. The movement seems a little awkward but I'm sure I'll get used to it. The main workout was 8 x :15 - L sits and hand stands followed by 5 rounds (timed) of a sprint + 15 wall balls. I was moving extra slow and was the last to finish.
I have 3 miles planned for today with an elliptical workout, Cross fit + 2 mile run for tomorrow and a 4 mile run on Sunday.
Although a major goal of mine is to lose weight, I also want to develop an overall healthy lifestyle. You only get one body and I want to make sure that mine still works 60 years from now. My grandmother suffers from Parkinson's and over the years her mobility has drastically declined. My grandmother was never overweight but she was also never very active nor athletic. I often think about the ways in which her physical health, particularly as it relates to her mobility, would be different if she had lived a more active, healthy lifestyle. I'm going to try and be less motivated by vanity and focus more on really trying to adopt a better lifestyle.
More updates coming soon.
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